These are samples of RAIL licenses that could be adapted or modified or used-as-is with minimal changes. We recommend you do not modify the usage restrictions without consulting a legal expert so as to ensure they remain valid legal clauses.

Disclaimer: RAIL is not a law firm and does not provide legal services or legal advice. Distribution of RAIL licenses does not create a lawyer-client or other relationship. The licenses and related information is made available on an “as-is” basis. RAIL gives no warranties regarding its licenses, any material licensed under their terms and conditions, or any related information. RAIL disclaims all liability for damages resulting from their use to the fullest extent possible.

Responsible AI Pubs Licenses: These licenses are built on a model for behavioral-use that aims to reduce the risk of negative outcomes and misuse of AI. Specifically, licenses for models (AIPubs OpenRAIL-M), source code (AIPubs OpenRAIL-S) are available. Researchers can use multiple licenses if they are distributing both models and source code. These licenses are similar to licenses used by BigScience and over 6000+ related repositories for AI models and code. Community feedback is essential, and we are grateful to receive feedback. Please complete this form if you pan to use an AI Pubs License.


Responsible AI End-User License: We recommend you include this license in addition to your existing end user license agreements, if any. You can use the end user license even if you do not have existing end-user license agreement. Under the new naming convention introduced in our blog post this is a sample of a RAIL-A License.


Responsible AI Source Code License: We recommend you include a reference to this license at each modular block of your source code. That is, in each file and preferably at each code function/method, class, data structure definition and especially in methods that involve any algorithmic processing. Under the new naming convention introduced in our blog post this is a sample of an Open RAIL-S License.


BigScience Open RAIL-M License: Under the new naming convention introduced in our blog post this is a sample of an Open RAIL-M License.